Makeup & Beauty

Blink and You’ll Miss the Itty Bitty Dice in Megan Thee Stallion’s Latest Nail Art — See Photo


It’s pretty simple: we see Megan Thee Stallion flash her crafty nails, and we gravitate toward the sleek details with wonders as to how it’s pulled off. We’ve even been so partial to the sickening creations that we’ve made it our duty to try and keep up with each set (I mean, aren’t we all?)

After all, our Head Hottie is quite swift with switching it up and has presented some pretty impressive nail art to inspire your next manicure. A lover of all things haunted and gory, the Houston rapper was seen with campy black snake-tongue nails for her CR Fashion Book cover. Then, she kept it bare and classic in a light, subtle nude shade for the Oscars on March 27. Now we’re pleased to have peeped these pretty little dice on her new pink nails, done by her nail manicurist Coca Michelle, on Instagram Stories on April 13.

The bubblegum shade is quite adorable, and, of course, the manicure is crafted into her signature lipstick shape. Although she’s holding a vaping device, it’s the perfect position to see those tiny but ever so clever white dice in a cartoonish style, colored in white with specks of black.



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