Apple is celebrating the Year of the Tiger with special edition gadgets. Apple is now introducing a limited-edition AirTag with a special tiger emoji. Plus, Apple has also brought in a special edition Beats Studio Buds with a similar tiger emoji design. To note, these limited-edition Apple gadgets will be available to the first 20,000 customers who buy an iPhone.
Apple Special Edition AirTag Announced
The new Apple special edition AirTag and Beats Studio Buds have been introduced to celebrate the upcoming Japanese New Year. Both special edition gadgets will feature a tiger emoji as 2022 is believed to be the Year of the Tiger. Both the Apple special edition gadgets feature a red color design with the tiger print highlighted in gold color.
How To Get Apple Special Edition AirTag?
Presently, the Apple special edition AirTag is limited to only Japan. The first 20,000 customers who buy the iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Mini, or the iPhone SE (2020) between January 2 and 3 are eligible to get the limited edition AirTag with the tiger emoji. On purchase of these iPhones, customers are also eligible to get an Apple Gift Card worth JPY 6,000 (roughly Rs. 3,900).
Apart from this, customers purchasing a 13-inch MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, Mac mini, or the 27-inch iMac in Japan are eligible to get an Apple Gift Card worth up to JPY 24,000 (around Rs. 15,700). Additionally, customers getting 11- and 12.9-inch iPad Pro buyers will get an Apple Gift Card worth JPY 12,000 (approximately Rs. 7,800).
Apple is also extending a special offer to customers buying the Apple Watch Series 3 or the Apple Watch SE, who will get an Apple Gift Card worth JPY 6,000 (roughly Rs. 3,900). Plus, buyers getting the AirPods (2nd generation), AirPods (3rd generation), AirPods Pro, or the AirPods Max also stand a chance to get an Apple Gift Card worth JPY 9,000 (around Rs. 5,900).
Lastly, buyers getting the Beats Studio 3 Wireless, Solo 3 Wireless headphones, Apple TV, or other accessories like Apple Pencil, Smart Keyboard Folio, Magic Keyboard, and so on stand a chance to get an Apple Gift Card worth up to JPY 6,000 (around Rs. 3,900).
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Story first published: Tuesday, December 28, 2021, 12:43 [IST]