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Meet the Life Coach Helping Couples Get Their Mojo Back After Break-Up


Rachel G. Woodson has been the saving grace for many married couples on the brink of divorce.

For the past 12 years, the celebrity relationship expert, author, and life coach has dedicated her life to helping people heal from the trials and pains of life that often accompany messy break-ups.

Woodson has helped motivate women who are going through the process of healing from heartbreak by helping them to conjure up the confidence and courage to love again. She has also helped men and women overcome their challenges of self-esteem, love, and blended families within their marriage. Through her work, the relationship coach and matchmaker has been featured on BET helping some single folk meet new people, learn to date better, and even find love while in quarantine.

The love advocate says that along the way God has guided her in creating programs like Mentor ME, Help Me Save My Marriage, Life After Divorce, Life After the Death of a Spouse, and I’m Single Now What? just to name a few.  In these programs, she helps her mentees turn their pain into purpose as well as help them prepare for life, love, and marriage.  We got an opportunity to have a chat with Woodson.

BE: Please introduce yourself to the reading audience.

Woodson: I’m Rachel G Woodson, wife, mother, and dog mom. I started my career over 12 years ago. With the quest, I’ve come to help many men and woman live the life they deserve. I practiced what I preached. I’ve been able to lead individuals to marriage, like I did after 30 days of prayer, fasting, and completing my relationship program. I was found by my husband in 30 days, engaged in 25 days, and married in 11 months. I believe you have the power to manifest the life you deserve. I did so by using my life struggle to help anyone in need, heal, and live the life they deserve.

BE: What is your definition of Influence?

Woodson: Influence is the ability to inspire someone else to impact themselves greater; when your words make them search  themselves in a deep level. It’s not just about seeing my life as inspiration but grabbing a hold to my story, to do the self work, so they can live through their story. I tell my clients that if they are looking for inspiration they can follow my internet pages. Now, if they are looking to change their life, they have to impact themselves. True influence is impacting someone to see their life and change it for the better.

BE: How have you used your influence to enhance the lives of others?

Woodson: All my life I’ve used my influence, granted I didn’t know it, but I was. It was seen and acknowledged about 12 years again. I didn’t know social media so I used speaking events. When social media ignited, I was able to take my influence to another level.

BE: How do you keep going when you want to give up? Or, have you ever experienced this before?

Woodson: When I started living the life I deserve, it upset a lot of people. My tribe and most closest circle at the time was nowhere to be found. My why when I created my brand was for my two boys. My why was added to my daughter in the navy, my husband, and two bonus babies… They are depending on me to be great, so I can’t let none of them down.

BE: What are you currently working on for this next quarter in 2021?

Woodson: 2021 has been amazing!  I’ve been tapped for a show called “Love and Quarantine” on BET. Netflix and other appearance deals are in the works. Not to mention two books and kennel breeding. Yes, despite my schedule, I’m a dog mom of 7 dogs and one rehomed bully xl. So it’s safe to say that 2021 is full of dog breeding, filming, and book publishing.

Please keep up with Rachel:

All handles are @RachelGWoodson website



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