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Reaching the 1500 Words Milestone Double Spaced

Reaching the 1500 Words Milestone Double Spaced


Tips to reach the 1500 words goal

Whether you are a student or even a high profile employee of a good company, you are bound to get a written assignment. It is quite likely that your write-ups are based on certain requirements. These necessities usually include a fixed number of pages, a particular type of language and a fixed word count.

The most challenging part of dealing with these requirement based assignments is managing the word and page count. Sometimes, even professional writers face complications in sticking to the code even after acquiring the help of the best writing software such as Microsoft Word.

What you have to decide before writing

If you are wondering about doing the math on how many pages would it take for you to complete your piece, you don’t have to worry at all.

Before we get to the main part, there are a few basics you should know about. The first one is how you choose to design your task. You have to decide whether your piece should be single-spaced or double spaced. Another thing you might have to think about is your writing source. Do you want your assignment to be handwritten or do you want to use writing software to type it? These are some of the pointers you have to focus on.

If we look at a 1500 words task in particular, here’s how you can manage your page and word count.

In case you go with the single-spaced structure with the standard column and page spacing, it will take about 3 pages at most. The number of pages specified is for both typed and handwritten documents.

The difference in using the double spaced format – 1500 Words Milestone

Going for a double spaced document will differ in many ways. The number of pages will most likely double-taking the tally up to 6 pages. This occurs due to an increase in spacing for both pages and columns.

An important factor that also might affect the page count is your preferred font type and size. These factors come into play only when you are using a writing tool or you are typing the task. In case of a handwritten assignment, you might not have to consider these two factors as you have been accustomed to a single style for a long time. However, you still have to consider how you use line spacing to make sure you stick to the specified number of pages and words.

Rules to follow when writing paragraphs

Handwritten assignments also require further attention as well. If you use a double spaced format for 1500 words, you need to make sure that your paragraphs also abide by the rules you have set to structure your writing piece. An average paragraph could have around 50 to 100 words depending on your style and also your chosen content. Keeping in mind both the number of pages and words, it would be nice to have a check on how the paragraphs are organized.

This might look like a lot of science but that is far from it. Once you go through some of these rules, you will surely be able to ace all of your assignments.

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