Consumer electronics segment in India has been on the rise. Gadgets like smart TVs, refrigerators, and others have become common entities in Indian homes. Now, there’s a steady rise in demand for dishwashers. Samsung is catering to this growing demand. The company has released a new range of InensiveWash Dishwasher range, designed specifically for Indian cooking.
Samsung IntensiveWash Dishwasher Features
Samsung says the new IntensiveWash Dishwasher range is designed specifically for the Indian kitchen. The new dishwashers include 13 place settings to accommodate a variety of Indian utensils like cookers, kadhais, and more. The South Korean company claims the Triple Rinse feature on it eliminates 99.99 percent of lingering food bacteria, certified by Intertek.
Among its top features, the Samsung IntensiveWash Dishwasher range offers Triple Wash, Auto Release Dry, and more. As the name suggests, the Triple Wash feature on the IntensiveWash series can effectively clear any heavy stain or grease. The Auto Release Dry feature will automatically open 10cm of the door to allow steam to escape giving users faster and better drying results.
Additionally, the Samsung IntensiveWash Dishwasher range packs a Stainless Tub that transmits less noise and is more durable, claims the company. “It transmits less noise, can handle much higher temperature for sterilizing rinses, doesn’t get discolored over time, and prevents the build-up of bad odors,” Samsung said in a statement.
Plus, features like an A+++ rating and smart leakage sensor make it even better. Samsung says the smart leakage sensor immediately stops the cycle, drains the water, and shows an error message if any leakage is detected.
The Samsung IntensiveWash Dishwasher range offers additional benefits like fingerprint-resistant finish, a wide LED display, and even allows users to adjust the height. Here, the height adjustment feature lets you put large size utensils in the dishwasher or easily adjust the upper rack to fit in large-sized pots or pans.
Samsung IntensiveWash Dishwasher Price In India
The new Samsung IntensiveWash Dishwasher range is available in four models and can be bought in Stainless Stell Silver and white color options. The dishwashers are available starting from Rs. 39,500 with EMIs and cashback offers. Presently, the dishwasher range is available on the Samsung India website and is open for purchase.
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Story first published: Friday, October 8, 2021, 10:39 [IST]