
5 Websites with Great Landing Pages


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A landing page is basically a point of entrance to your website (don’t forget to make it fast!). It is where visitors will “land.” As you can guess, the landing page is very important, as if you fail to engage those new visitors you might lose them forever. If you have an efficient landing page, on the other hand, you will capture the interest of those visitors and possibly turn them into loyal visitors, subscribers or customers.

A website can have several landing pages. For instance, it can create one landing page for each marketing campaign it runs. For most websites, however, the homepage is usually the most important landing page, as that is where most of the visitors end up.

Sometimes it’s easier to show things than to explain them, so below you’ll find 5 examples of websites that have a great landing page structure on their homepage.



Slack’s landing page is not just well-designed but also engaging. It provides a clear explanation of what the product is and its benefits. The use of animation and illustrations makes it visually appealing, and it’s packed with different CTAs to suit various user needs, from learning more to immediately starting with the product.


In my opinion Freshbooks does an even better job at focusing the landing page on converting the first time visitor into a potential customer: instead of displaying just a button, it displays the whole signup form right there. The visitor just needs to put his name, email address and click on the ‘Try it Free for 30 Days’ button.

This British website helps people find used and new cars. To serve this purpose it brings on top of the homepage a search form you can use to nail down the model you are looking for. In fact it presents two search forms, the ‘Find it Fast’ for those who are in a hurry, and ‘Smart Search’ for those who want to be more specific.


Dropbox’s landing page is a fantastic example of simplicity and clarity. The clear messaging, clean design, and straightforward CTA make it easy for visitors to understand what Dropbox is for and how to get started.

This is a good example of a minimalist yet efficient landing page.  They provides heat map technology to help website owners track user behavior. The landing page design is clean and straightforward, with clear messaging and a compelling call to action. The visitor is presented with two things: a form to input his website URL, and a list of companies already using the service. In other words, you pretty much don’t have an option other than to start testing the service. Quite clever.

Here is a table summary. Each category (Design, User Experience, Clarity of Message, Call-to-Action Effectiveness) was scored on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the best possible score. Here’s what each category represents:

1. Design: This factor takes into account the overall aesthetic of the landing page, including the layout, color scheme, typography, imagery, and any other visual elements. A score of 5 indicates an exceptionally well-designed, visually appealing landing page.

2. User Experience: This factor assesses the ease of navigation and user-friendliness of the landing page. A high score indicates that the landing page is intuitive and easy to navigate, without any confusing or frustrating elements that might prevent a user from understanding how to interact with the page.

3. Clarity of Message: This score evaluates how clearly the purpose and value of the product or service is communicated on the landing page. A landing page with a clear, concise, and compelling message about the value of the product or service would score highly in this category.

4. Call-to-Action Effectiveness: This factor assesses the visibility, clarity, and persuasiveness of the call to action (CTA) on the landing page. A high score suggests that the CTA is highly visible, compelling, and effectively encourages the user to take the desired action.

Website Design User Experience Clarity of Message Call-to-Action Effectiveness
Dropbox 4 4 5 4
Slack 4 4 4 5
CrazyEgg 4 4 5 4 3 4 4 4
FreshBooks 4 5 4 4
5 Websites with Great Landing Pages Photo


Daniel Scocco is a programmer and entrepreneur located in São Paulo, Brazil. His first company, Online Profits, builds and manages websites in different niches. His second company, Kubic, specializes in developing mobile apps for the iOS and Android platforms.


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