
As The Fan-Made 2D Metroid Prime Game Is Shut Down, Where Do You Stand On Nintendo’s Takedowns? – Talking Point


Metroid Dread EMMI
Image: Nintendo

Earlier today we reported that another impressive-looking fan-made Metroid game — a 2D reimagining of Metroid Prime this time — has been shut down after the makers received an inevitable cease-and-desist communique. Nintendo wasn’t specifically named, but there are no prizes for guessing the “certain games-related company” which has put the brakes on this project.

It’s a story we’ve heard various times over the years, perhaps most memorably with AM2R, a 2016 fan-made remake of the Game Boy’s Metroid II: Return of Samus in a 16-bit Super Metroid style. Nintendo’s own remake of that game — MercurySteam’s Metroid: Samus Returns — was in development at the time and launched the very next year, but even if that hadn’t been the case, the lack of a similar project being developed internally wouldn’t have altered Nintendo’s response to a game that uses the company’s characters and intellectual property being made available, regardless of the quality. In fact, the quality and resulting confusion it could create — did Nintendo make this? — could conceivably draw even closer scrutiny from the Shuntaro Furukawa’s legal team.

Despite the fact that we’ve been here many times before, there’s inevitably a reaction from a group of fans that Nintendo is being overly litigious, unnecessarily fussy, and even downright spiteful when it comes to closing down fan projects or withdrawing support. The company has an uneasy relationship with the Smash Bros. fanbase, for instance, and pulled its support for a tournament that was using a modified version of Super Smash Bros. Melee.


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