
12 New Year Resolutions Every Online Entrepreneur Should Have


The new year is a time of change and what better way to start the year off than by making some big resolutions? Whether you are just starting your own business or looking for new goals for this upcoming year, we’ve compiled a list of 12 New Year’s resolutions every online entrepreneur should have.

1. Strive for personal and professional growth

Whether you want to grow your business or become a better person, the first step starts with you. Try to learn new things this year, be it a language, a sport, or just the basics of running your own business. The only way to get better is to put in the time and effort. Online Entrepreneurs must remember that if they want to be successful, they must always strive for more knowledge and growth.

2. Open new revenue streams

Even successful online entrepreneurs need to find new revenue streams constantly. There are the usual channels, such as affiliates and advertising, but what about the more creative options? Are there any markets you could tap into that aren’t currently available? Could you try different sales methods that you still need to start using? Business owners need to focus on the safe and possibilities that could be game changers.

3. Have fun!

It’s no secret that successful entrepreneurs work hard, but any successful business owner knows the importance of downtime. The reality is that we tend to burn out without fun and relaxation time and eventually fail. Make sure you give yourself time to unwind and have fun because it will make you a better business person in the long run!

4. Take care of your mental and physical health.

It’s no secret that being healthy is an important part of any successful entrepreneur, but what does it mean to be healthy? Many successful business owners use a separate calendar for their work and health. The reason is simple: you must make time for your personal life to succeed in both business and career. One of the best things to do to your diet to start taking a fish oil supplement. Essential for heart and mental health. It’s also great for your vision since you’ll likely be spending much time infront of a computer screen!woman right fist

5. Stay organized

Running your own business means always being on the move and chasing new leads and sales. It’s easy to let your personal life become a mess, but that is where many entrepreneurs fail in the long run. It is important to stay organized and structured so you stay focused on the most important things in life. Try using an app like Any.DO, which will help you stay on top of any project, task, or follow-up in your daily routines.

6. Don’t burn the candle at both ends.

Many entrepreneurs need help balancing daily operational tasks and long-term strategic efforts. The reason for this is simple: we need to let go of some of our daily tasks to spend more time developing the long-term road map for our business. Try using a system like OKR or SMART goals to set your strategic plan for the entire year and see if it doesn’t improve your growth rate in a significant way!

7. Have a clear vision of your online business

No matter how successful your online business is, it will eventually fail if you don’t have a clear business vision. This is often one of the most important and overlooked steps in any successful entrepreneur’s roadmap. A strong vision and strategy will help you fully concentrate on your current activities and see the bigger picture in which you work.

8. Have a well-defined business plan

Like any other business, online entrepreneurs must have a well-defined plan to reach their goals. With this roadmap and roadmap-specific goals, you will know how far you’ve come and where you need to go next. Try using some form of a business plan, whether a blueprint or just a simple outline. Try setting your goals in the context of that plan and see if it makes it easier for you to follow through on your New Years’ resolutions!

9. Network, network, and network!

It’s no secret that networking can be one of the most effective ways to gain exposure and new opportunities for your business. While LinkedIn is the biggest social media network for professional networking, don’t forget about Facebook or Twitter. Many online entrepreneurs use their profiles to connect with like-minded people and exchange good ideas. Remember real-life networking too! Some of the most effective relationship-building is being done face-to-face.macbook pro displaying group of people

10. Keep calm and focused.

Running your own business means always being on the move. It’s very easy to get distracted by new ideas and lose focus on what is happening in front of your eyes. This can also be related to always focusing on the result and forgetting the small steps needed to get there. It’s important always to stay calm and focused to achieve success!

11. Stay updated with new technologies.

While this might seem obvious, many entrepreneurs still need to catch up on what’s new in the marketplace and how it might help them. In a highly competitive market such as the eCommerce business, staying ahead is essential for your business growth. Read about new trends and technologies available to you and try implementing them in your business strategies!man sitting on chair

12. Give back

There is nothing more gratifying than helping others to succeed. Most of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs attribute their success to the help they receive from others willing to give it. Giving back doesn’t mean that you must stop focusing on your own business, but rather that you help other people reach their goals in any way possible!

Right now, there are thousands of entrepreneurs across the world that keep a daily journal of their successes and failures. The goal is to learn from our failures and use them as inspiration to improve our approach the next day. While we can’t change yesterday, we can make sure that we are always improving our future.


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Mark is an digital entrepreneur from New York City who recently acquired DBT. He started his ventures buying growing then selling several businesses and content blogs on Flippa. A perfect night for him constitutes pizza, wine, slow jazz and WordPress! He’s an SEO expert and a growth strategist. When he’s not working on his businesses he enjoys sharing his learned lessons with the DBT community.


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