
Bloggers Face-Off: Jeremy Wright vs. Nandini Maheshwari


Ever considered joining a blog network? Well, then you will probably like this edition of the Bloggers Face-Off. Those bloggers created two of the biggest blog networks on the Internet.

Jeremy Wright is the founder of b5media, a very successful network that includes some flagship blogs like and Copyblogger. Nandini Maheshwari, on the other hand, is the mind behind the Instablogs community, a blog network that is growing very fast. Enjoy!

Jeremy Wright
Nandini Maheshwari
1. How long have you been blogging? 4 glorious, heartbreaking, wonderful, fun-filled, tear-jerking years ???? 1.5 years
2. How many blogs does your network have? We’re at about 200 now, give or take 133 blogs and growing
3. What is the main advantage of joining a blog network? It takes most of the stress of blogging away (design issues, software
updates, finding advertisers, etc)
Great community, traffic, exposure, higher revenue potential, and technical expertise
4. How much money does the average blogger on the network make? With our new pay system, most of our bloggers will earn 150-250$/month
doing 4-5 hours work a week
Instablogs, being a large community, it varies a lot from person to person
5. What is your favorite social bookmarking site? To be honest, I don’t use any social bookmarking sites Stumble Upon
6. What is the main revenue source for the network? Banner advertising through premier partners, without question Private Ad sales
7. Do you think AdSense units make a blog look unprofessional? It depends. But even the “most professional” AdSense unit will rarely
pay as a low-end inventory banner (50c-1$)
Yes, if you overdo them
8. Does the network invest money into promotion? We invest back into our bloggers. We have 2 people full time (Shai and
Darren) training other bloggers
So far, we have not spent any money but in coming days, we are planning few ad campaigns for our upcoming community features
9. How many RSS feeds do you read daily? Probably 40-50. But I spend a lot of time on TechMeme 200+
10. If you could give one advice for a novice blogger, what would it be? Find your passion and never lose it. No matter what anyone says, if
you’re having fun and expressing yourself, that’s what matters
Go read However seriously, best advice would be to have patience, be consistent, and network with fellow bloggers in early days
11. If you could read only one blog, which one would you pick? No question, it’s Savage Chickens My own (
12. What is the secret of your success, expressed in one word? Community Passion
Bloggers Face-Off: Jeremy Wright vs. Nandini Maheshwari Photo


Daniel Scocco is a programmer and entrepreneur located in São Paulo, Brazil. His first company, Online Profits, builds and manages websites in different niches. His second company, Kubic, specializes in developing mobile apps for the iOS and Android platforms.


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