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How to Improve Your Startup Skincare Company (Guide)

Running any startup company is a challenge – especially a skincare one.

In today’s markets, there are thousands of different skincare brands for consumers to choose from. This includes classic names such as Dove as well as up-and-coming brands like Nécessaire. Essentially, there’s something for all types of consumers.

When you put this into context, it means any skincare startup is faced with a big challenge. However, every skincare brand in history was once a startup, which is something to bear in mind.

So, what does it take to be a successful skincare startup? Let’s take a look.


Use High-Quality Ingredients

In the world of skincare, there are budget, mid-range, and high-end skincare products.

However, even as a budget or mid-range brands skincare brand, you can’t afford to cut too many corners when it comes to ingredients, as customers will likely notice this. Here are a few interesting statistics to highlight this (courtesy of Statista):

  • 32 percent of customers always check the ingredients in skincare products
  • 43 percent of customers sometimes check the ingredients

Therefore, in the manufacturing process, it’s important to focus on ingredients that are healthy and beneficial for the skin, such as retinol and Vitamin E.

Plus, you should also use This way, you’ll be able to gain access to polymers, which play a huge role in modern-day cosmetics and personal care products. The reason for this is that polymers enable the formulation of ingredients to stick together and remain in good condition.

Focus on Recyclable Packaging

Recyclable packaging has also become a key part of the industry.

Now, many skincare fanatics care a lot about product packaging and whether or not it’s good for the environment. In some cases, it can be a genuine deal-breaker.

So, throughout your entire range of products, it’s recommended that you incorporate recyclable packaging. The labeling on the packaging should also indicate that it’s possible for customers to recycle it, as this will give your brand recognition a nice boost.

Market Your Brand on Social Media

Social media is now the king of the cosmetics industry.

According to Forbes, back in 2020, 90 percent of all beauty-related posts were conducted over Instagram, making it the best individual platform for brands to use.

Here, you can reach out to customers, post product updates, direct customers to your online store, and much more. Plus, if you want to, you can even sell your products directly through Instagram.

Conduct Market Research

Last but not least, remember to conduct market research. By doing this, your startup skincare company will be able to grow and learn much more easily.

You can conduct a market search through:

  • Creating buyer personas
  • Social media surveys
  • Street surveys
  • One-to-one interviews
  • Email questionnaires

From your research, you might uncover interesting findings, such as that younger demographics in your country prefer budget moisturizers.


Through the coming years, you will need to work hard to get your startup where it needs to be. However, through using the tips mentioned above, you’ll give yourself and your team a great shot at success.

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