
How to Make Money on eBay Without Selling Anything (Is it really worth it?)


eBay is one of the most popular shopping sites in the world, with over 135 million users, which means there is an enormous demand for everything sold on it, from books and records to cars and art. With so many users and great demand, eBay has plenty of opportunities to make money. eBay is known as a marketplace for selling and buying items, so it became popular. But do you know there are plenty of ways to make money on eBay without selling anything? Yes, that’s right, you don’t have to sell anything on eBay to make money. So how do you make money on eBay without selling anything? This guide will share some simple and easy ways to make money on eBay without selling anything.

How to Make Money on eBay Without Selling Anything (Is it really worth it?) Photo

This is one of the most popular ways to make money on eBay without selling anything. Affiliates usually sell a product or some other item to a buyer and receive a commission or an affiliate fee for each sale they refer. The buyer has to buy the item from the affiliate. You must join the eBay Partner Network program; you can easily find it on its website. With this program, you can set your commission rate, which will be in place for 90 days. If a buyer buys an item within that period, you will receive a commission based on the commission rate you set. The average commission rate can be 10 to 20% of the sale price. Of course, the higher your commission rate is, the higher income you will get from it. Your commission rate can start as low as $1.00 and go up to $50.00 per sale.

Here’s how to become an eBay affiliate:

  • Sign up for the eBay Partner Network (EPN) program: Go to the eBay Partner Network website and click on the “Join Now” button. Fill out the application form with your personal information and website details. Agree to the terms and conditions, and apply.
  • Get approved: After submitting your application, eBay will review it and send you an approval email within a few days. Once approved, you can log in to the EPN dashboard and promote eBay products.
  • Create affiliate links: In the EPN dashboard, you can generate affiliate links for eBay products you want to promote on your website or social media channels. These links will contain your unique affiliate ID, which allows eBay to track any sales generated through your links.
  • Promote eBay products: Once you have your affiliate links, you can start promoting eBay products on your website, blog, or social media channels. You can use banner ads, text, or product links to direct your audience to eBay products.
  • Earn commissions: As an eBay affiliate, you will earn a commission on qualifying sales through your affiliate links. The commission rate varies depending on the product category and the number of sales you generate.
  • Monitor your performance: Use the EPN dashboard to monitor your performance, track your earnings, and optimize your campaigns for better results. You can also access reports on clicks, impressions, and sales to help you improve your affiliate marketing strategy.

Following these steps, you can become an eBay affiliate and earn commissions on qualifying sales without selling anything.


2. Dropshipping

Dropshipping is another popular way to make money on eBay without selling anything. But what is dropshipping? Dropshipping is a retail fulfillment method in which retailers don’t keep stock but instead receive orders and ship them directly from third-party suppliers. Essentially, you set up a store on eBay and list products for sale, but you don’t buy the products until someone places an order. Instead, you forward the order to a supplier, who ships the product directly to the customer.

Dropshipping allows you to sell products without buying and storing them in your warehouse, as you would for traditional retail. Dropship suppliers will ship out your orders once they are placed. This is a great way to start an online business because you don’t need to invest in inventory or product storage while still earning money from sales. Dropshipping is a very profitable strategy.

Here’s how to get started with dropshipping on eBay:

  • Choose a profitable niche: Identify a popular niche with high demand and potential for high-profit margins. Research the products that are in demand in that niche and their pricing.
  • Find reliable dropshipping suppliers: Look for suppliers who offer a wide range of products, competitive pricing, and fast shipping times. Check their reputation and reviews from other sellers who have used their services.
  • Set up an eBay account: If you do not already have one, create one. Choose a username that is professional and reflects your brand.
  • List your products: Create product listings with detailed descriptions, high-quality images, and competitive pricing. Use keywords and search terms that buyers will likely use to find your products.
  • Manage your inventory: Monitor your inventory levels regularly and update your listings accordingly. Remove a product from your eBay store if it is out of stock or no longer available.
  • Process orders and payments: When a customer purchases a product from your eBay store, place an order with your supplier and arrange for shipping. Make sure to keep track of your orders and payments.
  • Provide excellent customer service: Respond to customer inquiries promptly and professionally. Address any issues or concerns that they may have and provide them with a positive buying experience.
  • Continuously optimize your eBay store: Regularly review your sales and adjust your pricing, product offerings, and marketing strategies accordingly.

3. Become an eBay Product Reviewer

Another great way to make money on eBay without selling anything is to become a product reviewer. Essentially, you’ll be paid to write reviews of products sold on eBay.

If you become a product reviewer, you’ll earn money by sharing your experiences with other customers. The reviews help the seller to improve their product and increase their sales.

Here’s how:

  • To become an eBay product reviewer, you must have an eBay account in good standing and a history of leaving honest and detailed reviews. You can start by looking for eBay sellers offering free or discounted products in exchange for reviews. You can find such sellers by browsing through eBay’s seller directory or searching for specific products you are interested in.
  • Once you find a seller offering products for review, contact them and ask about their terms and conditions. Make sure you understand their expectations and any requirements they have for leaving a review. Some sellers may require you to leave a review within a certain time frame or to provide a detailed review with photos or videos.
  • To earn from eBay product reviews, you can negotiate with sellers for compensation through cash, gift cards, or additional free products. Some sellers may also offer commission-based compensation, where you earn a percentage of the sales generated from your review.

It’s important to note that eBay has specific policies regarding product reviews, and sellers and reviewers must follow these policies to avoid violations. Additionally, it’s essential to be honest, and objective in your reviews, providing an unbiased assessment of the product’s quality and performance.

4. Become an eBay assistant seller

This is similar to renting your eBay account to a different person rather than letting it remain inactive. This means that you’ll allow someone else to use your eBay account to sell products, and you’ll earn a percentage of the profits. The main advantage of assistant selling is that you don’t need to sell anything, as the person using your eBay account will handle all active listings for you.

The person you’re letting use your eBay account will list, manage, and receive orders for all products in your eBay store. He’ll also receive payments associated with those orders.

This can be a great way to make passive income through eBay, and you don’t need to do anything but monitor your account regularly.

However, for it to work:

  • Your eBay account must be in good standing with high feedback score and a good track record on eBay.
  • You’ll need to be active and ensure that your assistant posts suitable listings and not overcharges for products.
  • The person using it must have no past eBay issues and should not break eBay’s policies or engage in illegal activities.
  • Make sure you have a contract that outlines the terms of the agreement, including how much you’ll earn and how long the arrangement will last.
  • They’ll need to act within the scope of their rights and authority stipulated by you. They can only use your store’s name and email address for sales. They can’t list other eBay stores or use a different name for their store.

5. Offer eBay Listing Services

eBay assists sellers in promoting their products through listing tools, including listings and images with descriptions. This can be a good opportunity for you to offer your listing services to other eBay sellers. These services include processing the listing, creating the title and description, writing listings with images and descriptions, and setting up the auction duration. You can charge a fee for this service or simply offer it as a favorite among fellow sellers. As a listing service provider, you’ll help sellers to create and optimize their eBay listings, making them more attractive to buyers and increasing their chances of making a sale.

Here’s how to offer eBay listing services:

Understand the Job Requirements: Before offering eBay listing services, it’s important to understand what the job entails. As a listing service provider, you’ll be responsible for the following tasks:

  • Creating and optimizing eBay listings
  • Writing compelling product descriptions
  • Selecting appropriate categories and item specifics
  • Taking and editing high-quality photos of the items
  • Conducting market research to identify trends and competitive pricing

Create a Profile: Create a professional profile on eBay that showcases your skills and experience as a listing service provider. Your profile should include the following:

  • A description of your services
  • Your contact information
  • Ensure your profile is detailed and professional, which will help potential clients feel confident in your abilities.

Find Clients: To find clients, you can use a variety of strategies, such as:

  • Joining eBay seller groups on social media platforms
  • Reaching out to eBay sellers who may need help with their listings
  • Listing your services on eBay’s “Services” section
  • Be sure to emphasize your unique skills and experience in your marketing materials, and consider offering a discount to your first few clients to build your portfolio.

Making money without selling anything on eBay is not as simple as it sounds, but it is possible. It all depends on what type of strategy you choose to follow and how willing you are to put in the effort required. There are plenty of ways to make money on eBay without selling anything. There’s something for everyone, from affiliate marketing to drop shipping to product reviews. Whether you’re looking to earn a little extra cash on the side or start a full-time business, eBay can be a great platform to help you achieve your goals. You can make money on eBay without selling your products with the right strategy. So why not give it a try?


How to Make Money on eBay Without Selling Anything (Is it really worth it?) Photo


Mark is an digital entrepreneur from New York City who recently acquired DBT. He started his ventures buying growing then selling several businesses and content blogs on Flippa. A perfect night for him constitutes pizza, wine, slow jazz and WordPress! He’s an SEO expert and a growth strategist. When he’s not working on his businesses he enjoys sharing his learned lessons with the DBT community.


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