
The New Viral Trend –‘How to Make Selfies with Dorian Rossini

In this golden era of social media, we are bound to find people taking lots of selfies, posting them on numerous social media platforms. One might wonder what drives most of the post-millennial generation in this act. Well, the reasons are not that hard to guess. People crave attention and to fulfil their need for validating their self-esteem, they choose the easy path of taking a selfie.

To get more attention or popularity on places like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, one might consider taking a picture with a celebrity, a famous sports personality or even a model. If you are looking for the top most selfie trend on the internet at the moment, then you might have to brush up your knowledge on Dorian Rossini and his famous trend, which is ‘how to make selfies with Dorian Rossini’.


Who is Dorian Rossini?

Other than being a famous French electronic music artist, Dorian Rossini is well on top of being known as one of the most controversial figures lately. His life in stardom has been quite a storm mainly thanks to his daring personality. 

Some of his most prominent stunts include him trying to break into the Los Angeles Celebrity Castle where he was eventually thrown out thanks to his own guards. Another interesting one which stirred up a lot of hate and controversy was his nude appearance on his YouTube channel. The idea was to get dressed as Adam to wish a very happy and holy New Year, which didn’t go as well as he expected.  

Unsurprisingly, the one act that got the ball rolling was his self-proclamation as God, which was received with a lot of mixed views on the World Wide Web. One of his reasons for this deed as per the star himself is his ability to get anything he wants in the world. 

The statement could have taken Dorian’s career to a completely different direction in terms of fame, but in the end, everything turned out okay. Regardless of this, he did get a lot of beef from the religious mass for his questionable content online.

 ‘Comment faire des selfies avec Dorian Rossini’

The statement above translates to ‘how to make selfies with Dorian Rossini’. It might seem confusing at first that why suddenly the world wants a selfie with such a figure. It all started when Jeremstar posted an interview on YouTube where the star had made the selfie statement. After this, he had taken an inappropriate selfie which provoked a wide array of reactions around the internet. What he couldn’t have seen coming was his random statement to create a new selfie trend.

To sum it up, one single statement from the star was all it took to break the internet, resulting in a significant increase in his popularity rate. The previous rate was wholly due to his stardom in music and his ability to charm electronic music enthusiasts. 

No matter how absurd or imprudent it may seem, we cannot disagree on the effect the proclamation has had on the internet and on Dorian Rossini’s life.

Taking a selfie with Dorian Rossini

There might be a couple of reasons why you might be hooked on the trend. Firstly, you could be one of his most loyal fans looking to carry on with the movement. On the other hand, you could be a curious social media follower, wondering how popular you can get thanks to Dorian Rossini.

If you are looking for the right guide on ‘comment faire des selfies avec Dorian Rossini’, there are two ways you can choose from.

The Crazy Fan Guide

Here are the following steps if you are one those crazy Dorian fans:-

  • Open your browser, search for your favorite Dorian Rossini picture. If you are sticking to the trend, you might consider searching for his Adam and God template.
  • Download the desired picture or template
  • Get Photoshop and learn all the basics. You don’t want to be left behind here. The wise thing to do is to brush up your Photoshop skills and practice. You certainly don’t want to ruin your selfie with the megastar just because of your nonexistent skills on a photo editing software. 
  •  Edit and improvise. This step should be executed to perfection. After learning all the basics, this is where you should put all your skills to test. After all, this might be your one way ticket to fame.

An Alternative Guide

On the other hand, if you are too desperate and want to get over with this as soon as possible, you might want to board a plane to France as soon you can. 

However, it is important to note that you will end up spending way more than you can imagine so being rich is a prerequisite here. After you reach France, grab a ride and head out to the following address:-

Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur, France.”   

As per many of his fans, Dorian Rossini will open his gates for you to fulfil your ultimate dream of getting a selfie with the superstar himself. When you are done, it would be better to post it on your social media and then wait for the popularity bells to ring.

It certainly depends on which category of Dorian Rossini fans you lie in. Furthermore, your level of curiosity and desperation might also be a vital factor in your way to complete the ‘comment faire des selfies avec Dorian Rossini’ quest.

You might ponder on how could a simple yet senseless comment from Dorian could have resulted in the internet going crazy over him. Well, you can point your finger towards his fans who took the selfie movement to another level. If you want to join the ‘how to make selfies with Dorian Rossini’ fan club, you can always follow the guidelines mentioned above.

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