
How to Restart a BAT file on Windows at an Interval


I recently wrote a .bat script on Windows to mine Ethereum when I’m not using my gaming PC to frag noobs. I have a friend who also tries to mine cryptocurrencies but their machines have AMD processors; every once in a while, the processor and the mining executable start fighting and all mining comes to a halt.

Having the mining .exe stop work but not kill the process is a really frustrating problem. I thought it was a Windows sleep/hibernation issue but the solution I wrote about in that post didn’t fix the problem. I went with the next best solution: killing and restarting the process after a given amount of time:

start PhoenixMiner.exe -pool -pool2 -wal WALLET_ADDRESS -proto 3
echo "-------------------------------MINER STARTED"
timeout /t 3600 >null
echo "-------------------------------MINER TERMINATED, RESTARTING"
taskkill /f /im "PhoenixMiner.exe" > null
goto loop

This script kills the process and restarts it after an hour, regardless of if mining is running smoothly or has quit. This obviously isn’t a perfect solution; a better answer would be to create a script to listen for an error and restart the process immediately. I will contend it’s a workable solution so that mining isn’t down for an entire night!

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