Mind Performance

Improving Your Preshot Routine | Sports Psychology Tips


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Top Mistakes Golfers Make With Preshot Routines

How many times has indecision and self-doubt interfered with playing good shots?

Spending extra time standing over the ball questioning your shot strategy, thinking of last second adjustments and possible outcomes is a surefire method to interfere with making a good swing.

When you overthink, over-analyze or have too many swing thoughts, you inhibit your ability to pull the trigger on your shot.

Your mind has to be clear of indecision and doubt when you step up and address the ball. When you are indecisive that leads to a wishy-washy swing.

And golfer who spend too much time over the ball leave room for overthinking, second-guessing, and doubt. The final stage of your preshot routine is critical to help you perform more consistently.

When you take too much time over the ball…

You question whether you are playing the right shot. You become indecisive about club selection. You might question your set up. And the worst thing golfers do is think about 3-4 swing thoughts as they pull the club back.

The more time you have to think, debate and analyze, the greater the opportunity for negative thoughts and indecision.

This is when the preshot routine comes to your rescue. Committing to your plan early in your routine is critical! Making your decisions early and sticking with them will help you stop over thinking over the ball.

The decision-making process early in the routine helps to clear your mind when you are over the ball. So picking your target, club, type of shot based on the lie and distance will help you focus on execution over the ball.

Over the ball, the time for debate is over and you should execute and carry out the plan.

Steps in Your Preshot Routine:

1. Start by planning the shot you want based on your homework.

2. After your “homework,” you want to plan the shot.

3. Get committed to the shot be seeing or feeling the shot in your mind.

4. Step up to the ball with an image of the shot in your mind.

5. Once you have a plan for the shot or putt, no more debate in your mind about it. Time to commit. At this point, no second-guessing as you move into your setup and execution!

6. Focus on one swing thought only, such as tempo.

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Golfer’s Mental Edge 2.0

Do you suffer from fragile self-confidenceafter missed hitting shots or making mistakes, playing with strict or high expectations that undermine confidence, or the inability to play freely and relaxed on the course?

If you lack focus, have low self-confidence or other mental game obstacles on the course, you cant reach your true golf potential…

Successful golfers have learned how to perform with ultimate confidence in competition, so we’ve developed The Golfer’s Mental Edge 2.0 Workbook and Audio program to help you do this! 

The Golfer’s Mental Edge 2.0 program includes the top 11 mental training sessions I do with my personal students to help them boost their mental game and improve consistency on the course.

The Golfer’s Mental Edge 2.0 audio program includes 11 confidence-boosting CDs, MP3 audio recordings, and an 8-session golfer’s mental edge workbook–plus several bonus programs. Available Now!


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