
No More Heroes 3 Footage Showcases Open World Segments


No More Heroes 3 You Know What Is Happening
Image: Grasshopper Manufacture / Marvelous

No More Heroes 3 is now, finally, just a short time away. It launches on 27th August and those that have enjoyed the series across its two Wii entries and the Travis Strikes Again spin-off can finally gear up for an all-new title in the series.

Publisher Marvelous has been maintaining a rather impressive official website (Japanese) and sharing regular video clips and updates; clips have then been tweeted out, for example. Recent videos over the past week have given some brief looks at the game’s open world segments, and while they don’t look particularly impressive there have been reuploads on YouTube that don’t do them much justice.

That said, it does look like there’ll be some inconsistent performance – barring further work and patches, of course – in larger areas, with pop-in and framerate dips. We’re also a little distracted by Travis’s jacket animation when he’s running, but maybe that’s just us.

A lot of the fighting sequence videos have looked very smooth, and we’ve seen some jokes that you should treat open-world segments as a homage to the original. Let us know what you think, as always, in the comments!


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