
Poll: Is Reading Books Still Necessary?


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First of all let me clarify my question: I am wondering if reading books is still necessary for personal and professional success. We are not taking into consideration other factors like the entertainment one here.

Now if this question was asked 20 years ago, I am sure that the vast majority of people would have echoed a big “Yes!”.

Today I am not so sure. I have a very clear opinion on the issue, but I won’t express it on this post, mainly because I want to understand what other people think.

So why I am not sure if people still consider reading books important?

First and foremost because today we have a pervasive alternative, called the Internet. If you wanted to get in-depth information about a certain topic 20 years ago, you would inevitably need to buy a book or visit a library. Today, you can access virtually all the information available to the human race without leaving your bedroom. All it takes is an Internet connection and a computer.

Apart from the content from the books themselves, in fact, you also have a myriad of blogs, wikis, online forums and social networks that are providing a huge amount of information on a wide range of topics, from collecting stamps to alternative Chinese medicine and dating women.

The question then becomes: is the information that we find on the Internet enough to foster our personal and professional success, or reading old-fashioned books is still necessary?

Have your say in our poll and drop a comment if you want to share your opinion. The poll closes on Friday, midnight.

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Mark is an digital entrepreneur from New York City who recently acquired DBT. He started his ventures buying growing then selling several businesses and content blogs on Flippa. A perfect night for him constitutes pizza, wine, slow jazz and WordPress! He’s an SEO expert and a growth strategist. When he’s not working on his businesses he enjoys sharing his learned lessons with the DBT community.


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