
Pot Bound For The Win


I have a few, okay quite a few houseplants and I love them all, but the one thing I don’t love is repotting them. Repotting can be such a chore. First I have to find a bigger pot and then I have to heft my already large container of houseplants up and outside where I can make a mess, a big mess. Plus there might be some laziness on my part here.

Luckily I do have a few houseplants whose needs are minimal including their need to be repotted.

Should You Repot Clivia?

One of my favorites of these is my clivia plant. Related to amaryllis, clivia is native to South Africa and as such requires water in moderation; a bonus already. Clivia also blooms with spectacular orange-red blossoms similar to the aforementioned amaryllis.

Another bonus? Clivia roots also like to be crowded, which means I rarely have to repot my plant. I really mean rarely. At this writing, I can clearly see the roots encircling the pot which usually isn’t a good sign but my clivia looks healthy and contented. I’m no authority but I have kept this plant alive for 20 years so…It has been repotted and divided at least a couple of times though but not in recent history.

Another of my low maintenance houseplants is Hoya carnosa. This one is really special because I got it from my late grandmother about 35 or so years ago…maybe longer. A really reliable bloomer, my Hoya has been in the same pot for, oh, about eight years, I think. In fact, the pot doesn’t have drainage holes (I know! A “no-no”) and because it’s situated atop an armoire, I can’t see the soil when I water which has led to a veritable pond of water, an error which hasn’t affected the Hoya one iota.

Lastly, I have a bruiser of a succulent that isn’t really that old, about five years, but it has been in the same container and grown into said container for approximately three years. Again, this particular houseplant doesn’t seem to be bothered that it fills the entirety and spills over the container. In fact, it’s only response seems to be to continue to propagate itself by sending out offsets or pups. These offsets I do remove and give to friends and family so maybe that’s why the succulent continues to languish uncomplaining in the same pot.

I don’t know about any of you guys, but houseplant care is not my forte. I love all my plants but for some reason I’m not really the best at sticking to a feeding schedule or repotting my plants. They do get watered on a regular schedule but beyond that I’m fairly hopeless which is why my clivia, Hoya, and succulent (Kalanchoe) are perfect specimens for my home.

The post Pot Bound For The Win appeared first on Gardening Know How's Blog.


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