
How to Start Using ShareASale Affiliate Marketplace & Make Money


ShareASale and Affiliate Marketing made easy

If you are looking to join affiliate marketing, this is the right place to start. Affiliate marketplaces are an amazing way to make lots of money. One of the best affiliate marketplaces to genuinely make money is ShareASale. If you bear with us for the next few minutes, you can learn how to use ShareASale and how to start making money as soon as possible from it. Read below about – ShareASale Affiliate Marketplace.

ShareASale was established at the turn of the 21st Century, just when the Internet was catching fire. Yes, that’s right it is that old and reliable! This shows that ShareASale is one of the oldest and most experienced in this business. It is not only an extremely in-demand service, but it is also reliable as a host of marketers have made big bucks by using it, and you can be one of them!

Refresh what you know

To start, let us refresh your knowledge and understand how it all works. It is effortless; this will be a quick recap. So, a merchant is a business owner who creates their affiliate programs. These programs are joined by affiliates who increase the sales, and in return, they get a commission. Affiliate software is where these merchants create the affiliate programs; in this case, the software or website is known as ShareASale.

These setups are fantastic, especially for the small business owners who have great content but to drive up the more traffic, they need the help of affiliate software like ShareASale.

Why Choose ShareASale

The answer is straightforward. Like I mentioned above, they have been around for two decades, now. This means that while they are respected in the affiliate market, they are also highly reliable and they offer a free sign-up.

The Process

First Step

The first step is signing up for ShareASale. You open the website, click on I’m an affiliate, and your signing-up procedure will begin. The sign-up process is like any other online website, you create a username, a password, one which you will not forget, enter your country of residence, and then you move to the next step.

Second Step

The next step is adding your website. The details you need to share will be about the URL and primary language. However, it is essential to remember that your website should be up and running before you make an account on ShareASale. This is very important because only active websites are needed for ShareASale.

Third Step

Then comes the third step. You add your address, and you also add the payment details. The payment options are usually through physical check or ACH. However, ShareASale does not use PayPal, so that may be one issue. This is all you can do on your part, the next step is waiting, while your application gets reviewed and approved. This can take up to two to three days.

Once you do this, and your application gets approved, you become a member of ShareASale, and you are ready to start earning through ShareASale.

What’s next?

There are more than 4800 merchants on ShareASale, and they are spread across a lot of niches and markets. This makes it so easy for you to find the right fit for yourself, and once you do that you can click on the merchant’s profile. That will reveal their commission structure and payment amounts. You can search for the right merchant, who you think is ideal for your website and then you can start earning.

However, there are two merchant marketing models:

1) Pay per lead: This model is based on the premise that a visitor follows your affiliate link and reaches the merchant’s lead capture and then also fills out the form and completes it, as well.

2) Pay per sale: With this model, you earn a commission when a visitor follows your link to the product and purchases it.

ShareASale pays the commissions at the end of each month, and the lowest amount you can cash out is $50. You can also log in and check your earnings as they come.

Make your website more appealing

I will add in a guide of how to make your WordPress website more appealing and to boost the impact and increase the number of people that click through. I will give you a four-point guide:

1) A high-quality hosting service is absolutely ideal. Always keep updating your WordPress site to the latest version, as well.

2) Your domain name should also be straightforward. It should capture your niche easily and make it obvious so that the visitors know what to expect.

3) The tone is the key! It should not only be aesthetic; it should also match the tone and should be easy to navigate.

4) The last one is self-explanatory. Promote relevant and popular posts that visitors of your niche would want to see.

ShareASale is a great and proven way to earn money. If you are true to yourself and your business, you will find it very easy to do so. However, you need to have a clear plan, you need to have a website that has creative content, and that will get more people attracted to it. You will also need to be patient with your approach. The key should be keeping the links without attracting any attention to them. Make sure they are integrated into the content very smoothly and without making the visitor think that this is their way to make money. They should want to open your webpage and visit it and become regular visitors. As soon as the visitor realizes that a page is just for sale and nothing else, he will not stay for long, and you can forget him revisiting, as well.

If you liked it, drop a comment and if you have any questions, feel free to ask. We’ll love to help you out!

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