Mind Performance

| Sports Psychology Articles


In this episode, Dr. Cohn answers a question from a reader playing in the flow all the time. Here’s the question of the week:

WILLIAM: “I think to play well, I have to be in flow. But I can’t seem to enter flow at will. How do I always enter into the flow for every time I compete?”

Listen to this episode to learn more:

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Relaxed Athlete

The Relaxed Athlete

You can possess all the physical talent in the world, the best equipment money can buy, and train harder or longer than anyone else in your sport or on your team, but if self-doubt enters your mind prior to competition, you simply will not realize your true potential in sports.

The Relaxed Athlete” audio and workbook program teaches you mental strategies to develop a focused and confident pregame routine for a poised and relaxed mindset. Learn how to get your mind right by overcoming pregame anxiety and worry.


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