
Validate Your Website – Daily Blog Tips


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It is very important to validate your website, even if it is working “fine” for you. The reason for that is simple, if your website has HTML or CSS errors it will rely on the error correction function of browsers.

Not all browsers correct errors on the same way though, meaning that your website might break down for some readers. Apart from this practical reason web standards also play an importante role on the compatibility issues of the Internet. The more people complying the better. Below you will find three web tools to validate your site, check them out:

  • W3C Markup Validation: this tool will validate your HTML or XHTML markup. You can use a URL directly or upload a file.
  • W3C CSS Validation: this service will validate your CSS. Again it can crawl your website or an uploaded CSS file.
  • Feed Validation: this tool will validate all versions of RSS feeds as well as Atom feeds. This will ensure that readers will not have problems while receiving your feed.


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