
What Are You Playing This Weekend? (July 31st) – Talking Point


Great Ace Attorney
Image: Capcom

Another week has passed, with plenty of Nintendo-related news that’s kept us intrigued. There were our reviews for games like The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles and NEO: The World Ends With You, Streets of Rage 4’s DLC finally arrived on Switch, Monster Hunter Rise got awesome Okami-themed DLC, and Nintendo says it absolutely hasn’t forgotten about Animal Crossing: New Horizons; yes there were also new games for Switch Online. There were some lighter moments too, including one StreetPass fan’s attempts to get hits in New York, and some rather freaky box art for Super Meat Boy.

There was plenty going on, so it’s time to chill out and discuss our weekend gaming plans. A few members of the Nintendo Life team have done just that below, so feel free to give our entries a read and then join in with your own via our comment section. Enjoy!


Thomas Whitehead, deputy editor

Like, I suspect, plenty of others I’ll be spending a decent amount of time with The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles this week; I finished the first chapter and it’s been fantastic so far. I still have a long way to go in Skyward Sword HD so will try to dip in, and I’ll also be jumping back into Monster Hunter Rise to get the Okami-themed content.

On other systems I’ll try out The Ascent, if I can find the time!


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