
How to Obtain Building Regulations Approval

You need to obtain building regulations approval before starting any construction project. However, most people don’t understand the need for getting the approvals. There is also some confusion depending on the type or size of the project.

It is always a good idea to hire a construction consultant who will help you to apply for the required approvals. The approvals can take anywhere between eight to 12 weeks before they are approved by the relevant authorities.

In this guide, we take a look at the building regulations approval processes. We also include tips on what the process is like and why it is important.


Why You Should Obtain Building Regulations Approval

Getting building regulations approval is a legal requirement by all local authorities. However, this may vary depending on the type of the project. It is often advisable to consult with the relevant authorities if you’re unsure.

Failing to get the building regulations approval can have some serious penalties. For instance, you may be asked to pull down the project until you have the building regulations approval. In other instances, you may be required to pay a hefty fine.

What is a Building Regulations Approval?

The building regulations process involves reviewing your structure’s technical design to ensure that it is compliant with the health, safety, and environmental regulations. The building regulations approval typically comes after the planning permission has been approved.

Obtaining the building regulations approval involves submitting the technical drawings, calculations, and other relevant design work. The approved building regulations can be used to get project quotations and is also used as a guide during the construction process.

The process first begins by acquiring the building regulations plans and specifications. After that, a structural engineer works on the structural design and calculations. During this process, soil tests will be carried out to see if the surface is fit for construction.

When you go to obtain building regulations approval, you will need to get further approval if your project will tamper with public resources such as the sewer line. You will also need to show proof that your project will observe the necessary health and safety regulations.

Hiring a Construction Consultant

Hiring a construction consultant can help you obtain building regulations approval. The process typically involves plenty of processes that can be tiring and small mistakes can make you get a rejection by the local authority.

Always go for a construction consultant that is well-versed with the laws in your region. They will be aware of what is required by the local authorities. They are also conversant with relevant departments that need to carry out feasibility tests in your region.

Bottom Line

Acquiring building regulations approval can be a lengthy and tedious process, but is well worth the hassle. Make sure you hire an experienced construction expert or consultant to guide you through the application process.

However, getting a building approval can be a hindrance if you’re short on time or need an emergency structure. In most cases, you may need to apply for a special permit so that you can forego applying or obtaining the building approval.

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