
How to Resurrect a Struggling Amazon Store

Many Amazon stores set themselves up, make their predicted listings shiny and impressive, and then sit back and wait for the orders to roll in. They might be successful for a time, but after a while, their competitors will crowd them out unless they’re constantly updating and adapting their product listings and their marketing approach. If your online store has seen better days and you’re struggling to generate the interest that you once enjoyed, this guide is for you. Read on to learn how to update your store to make it more successful.



First up, you should consider speaking to Amazon experts. They can diagnose what might have gone wrong with your store. For instance, you can contact Amazon consultants – Nuanced Media to speak to professionals who have worked with hundreds of sellers online. They’ll be able to help you understand what might have gone wrong. Many consultants are also experts in marketing and, as such, can offer you services to get your store back on its feet and generate the sales that’ll help you boost your profits in the long term.


When you’re selling less on Amazon month on month, it’s probably because a competitor has captured some of your market share. That isn’t easy to swallow, but you’ll find out who it was and what products they’re offering simply by searching for your product names on Amazon. Those listings that show up above yours will be those that online consumers regularly purchase. Use this research to inform you about what other stores are doing differently from yours. Perhaps they’re marketing more aggressively or priced their products lower than yours. This research will help you decide how to fight back to recapture some of your market share.


Your old product listings might appear a little dated on Amazon after some months or years. Perhaps the photographs pale in comparison to your competitors. It could be that your last product review was a year ago, giving the impression that your store is no longer active. Consumers read such signs as untrustworthy, and they’ll encouraged them to shop elsewhere. To alter this perception, give your product listings a complete update so that your store appears fresh and new instead of old and out of action.

Finally, to give your products a boost in visibility, you should promote them on Amazon and across the internet. There are several ways in which you can do this. You can use Amazon’s paid promotions, which is something you can access on the platform’s seller’s pages. You can pay a third party to advertise for you. Or you can make use of different marketing channels, such as SMS, email, and social media, to promote your products in areas that your competitors may not be using. These efforts could help you generate more interest in your product listings over time.

Make sure to follow this advice if you’re looking to make your online store more successful in the future – recapturing the glory days of the past in the process.

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