
Previously Limited Mario And Monster Hunter Spirits Are Now Available Permanently In Smash Ultimate


Super Smash Bros Ultimate

In a spot of good news for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Spirit collectors, several Spirits that were previously exclusive to events are now available permanently, for everyone, in-game.

As of yesterday, you’ll see the Monster Hunter Rise Magnamalo, Palamute, and Palico Spirits, as well as the Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury Fury Bowser, Giga Cat Mario, and Kittens Spirits, on the Spirit Boards or the Store.

The Monster Hunter Rise Spirits first appeared during a five-day event back in April, while the Bowser’s Fury Spirits were first released the following week in a similar event. If you missed them back then, now’s your chance!

In other Super Smash Bros. Ultimate news, it was also revealed that a set of brand new Spirits based on Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin will be heading to the game very soon indeed.

Thanks to Greatsong for the tip!


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