Love & Relationship

Win the Weekend with Zach and Laura


It’s the end of the week and you’re exhausted. You’ve barely seen your partner in days as you both juggle family, work responsibilities, and household chores. Maybe you have just enough energy to order take-out and plant yourselves on the couch. You look over at your partner and think, ‘There’s got to be a better way to connect.’

There is!

Discover how to use the S.P.A.R.K. model to reconnect with your partner on your off days. Certified Gottman Therapists Zach Brittle and Laura Heck will show you how in this special two-part IG Live replay event. Click here to learn how you can “win the weekend.”

Win the Weekend with Zach and Laura on Instagram

Also, don’t forget to register for the upcoming Art and Science of Love workshop. This event is designed to strengthen relationships through engaging presentations and experiential activities. If you have a strong relationship, this workshop will provide you with the insights and tools to foster further closeness, friendship, and trust. If your relationship is distressed, this workshop will provide you with greater understanding of your relationship and a roadmap for repair. Register today!


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