
Affordable Ways to Reward Your Top Employees

As an employer, you need to recognize the hard work of your employees and find ways to reward your staff. Employee recognition and rewards can improve workplace productivity and engagement, boost office morale, and ultimately, increase profits.

If you’re looking for ideas, then here are some affordable ways to recognize your staff and reward your top employees.


Offer them extra time off

If you notice that an employee is putting in extra hours, then show them that you appreciate their hard work and dedication by letting them finish a few hours early on a Friday or giving them a late start on a Monday. You can also offer additional time off as a way to reward team members for achieving a goal. For instance, you could give your top performer half a day off every month as a thank you.

Employees value having extra time away from the office to spend with their family or loved ones. Allowing your team members to have time off won’t cost you anything; just make sure that you have enough team members available to cover their work duties.

Have treats delivered to the office

Having tasty treats like cupcakes or cookies delivered to the office is an inexpensive way to reward your team members and boost office morale. Many bakeries can deliver large orders to your workplace and personalize baked goods with your brand logo or colors. Speak to sellers to see if they offer discounts on large orders or look for promo codes online to save money.

Arrange a team lunch or dinner

Arranging a team lunch or dinner is a great way to recognize the hard work of your employees. It will also help your team bond and build relationships outside of the office. A recent survey found that people are ten times more likely to stay in their job for friendships than a pay rise. Encouraging your employees to bond will create a more positive workplace culture where your staff feel valued and supported.

You can make a team lunch or dinner more affordable by searching for set menu deals or mid-week discounts. Many restaurants also offer discounts for large group bookings and corporate events, so look around to find the best deals.

Throw an office party

Throwing an office party is a fun way to reward your staff and spend quality time with your colleagues in a relaxed setting. Many companies organize end-of-year parties to recognize the hard work of their staff. If you are hiring a venue, then you can save money by booking in advance or choosing an off-peak day, e.g., midweek. Buffet-style catering is also much cheaper than formal sit-down dining.

You can keep party costs low by hosting the party in your office. For instance, you could plan a fun office pizza party or arrange for a cocktail-making class after work. Take a look at this article by for ideas on how to throw an office party on a budget.

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