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Interior & Exterior Home Remodeling


A Guide to Remodeling Homes: Interiors and Exteriors

Realistically buying a new house is not for everyone. However, everyone can do with a new look just to freshen things up. The cheaper alternative to buying a whole house is to remodel the one you have. It requires a bit of time, effort, and money, but, then again what does not?

Steps for Remodeling Interior
Home designing is majorly dependent on the execution of the construction company you hire.

We will give you some tips you should keep in mind and the steps you need to follow before you embark on the long journey of renovating your home. There are several things you need to look out for, for example, choosing a design, finding a contractor, mitigating costs, etc.

Steps for Remodeling Interior:

1) Planning and Budgeting:

Before you start anything, the most important of all is planning and budgeting that particular plan. You decide on your priorities and assess what you want to renovate. You also decide on how much time and money you are planning to spend on the renovation project. A person may only be willing to renovate the kitchens or the bathrooms at first and then moving on to the rest of the house, so prioritize before starting.

2) Inspiration:

This is one of the most important steps. You need to take inspiration from something that has already been done. Remember, inspiration is fine, cheating is not. After all, every art piece ever made has been inspired by something before it. This is important to understand, as your dream kitchen may have been a Pinterest post. The most famous designers all around the world agree on the fact that you may need to make your own mood or inspiration board from the things you like on Pinterest and Houzz.

3) Hire Constructor:

Home designing is majorly dependent on the execution of the construction company you hire. However, hiring someone is done on the basis of how much money you are willing to spend, your comfort with the constructor, and how much work you are willing to delegate.

4) Realistic Layout:

For this purpose, you need a consultant. There are many home remodeling constructors everywhere. They can help you out in regards to your design and let you know how realistic it is to go for the style you want. The optimal layout for a home depends upon your unique needs. This means that if you have young children, you may want to go for an open floor plan, however, if you are living alone, you could develop one of your spare bedrooms into a home office or workplace.

5) Demolition:

The first step to physically starting the renovation is the demolition of the old structure. If you are adding space in the area then framing is also important. Similarly, if you are moving the walls, you can rethink if you want to add another entrance in the form of a door or some windows to the design, as well.

6) Work Behind Walls:

Use this renovation as an excuse to sort out the problems within the walls. This includes wirings, plumbing, HVAC, subfloors, etc. It will be the basis for the next work that you start whether it is the kitchen or the bathrooms.

7) Paint – Flooring:

It depends on the contractor whether to paint first or to install flooring. Some prefer completing the paintwork first, others prefer installing the flooring first. It may be dependent on the contractor’s plan, as well.

8) Cabinets:

The walls and floors pretty much complete the look. The next step is adding the cabinets, and the key is adding the upper cabinets before you add the ones on the bottom.

9) Finishing Touches:

The last details and decorations are added to give your renovated home a new and beautiful look. This includes the final touches of the paintwork, backsplashes, floor sealing, light fixtures, other hardware related work, and, any other touch-ups.

Steps for Remodeling Exterior:

1) Planning:

As the saying goes, failing to plan is planning to fail. You list the priorities, just like you did during your interior remodeling, and then you make a list of things you would love to have and the dream items.

2) Decide on a Budget:

Decide how to lose you want your purse strings to be. Are you looking to build something extravagant or opt for something that does not break the bank? Then, divide your budget on the following things:

  1. Permits and licensing
  2. Utility fees
  • Demolition and waste
  1. Tools and rentals
  2. Labor costs
  3. Management fees
  • Consultant charges
  • Design and drawings
  1. Financing costs

3) Take your Time:

Crucially important to be patient. There are multiple things you need to take care of. The season in which you renovate is very important. You should target time in the summer, spring, or fall. Remember it takes about six months to complete the work, so plan accordingly.

4) Home Inspection:

Conduct a home inspection to analyze and get a ballpark estimate of the costs and priority of the things in order of their importance. This is costly, but it will be one of the most valuable investments you make. They have a keen eye for damage and they can be great value considering they come up with fantastic solutions.

5) Choosing a Remodeling Contractor:

Again, do not rush into it. Take your time and do your cost-benefit analysis on each potential contractor. Remember, the advice given on the interior remodeling, you will need the same from your exterior remodeling. Take into consideration the following things before making a decision:

  1. Experience
  2. Expense
  • References
  1. Contracts
  2. Licensing
  3. Warranty

Tips for Remodeling:

We will also give you a few tips for carrying out the remodeling:

1) Easy fixes done on weekend projects can enhance the look and you might not need to spend big.

2) Focus on storage, it is the most undervalued part of a home and organization can look amazing.

3) Tips for curb appeal: improve the landscape, new shutters, wrapping dated columns with high-quality wood.

4) Use meaningful things to decorate your home. Not with random things that mean nothing, decorate using things that you hold in high regard.

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