
[pii_email_37f47c404649338129d6] HOW TO FIX ERROR [ Solved 2020 ]


How to Fix [pii_email_37f47c404649338129d6] Error

Windows 10 users must be familiar with the error number [pii_email_37f47c404649338129d6], they must have seen it when they are sending an email from their account on Outlook express. It can be a real nuisance, we will see why it occurs, and we will see how to solve it so that you can work without any obstacles.

Why does [pii_email_37f47c404649338129d6] occur?

This error occurs because there is a failure of connection to the main server socket. There is some sort of conflict with the SMTP server, or because the settings of the software you are using, are not good enough. This could be anything from the number on the port, authentication, and even the secured connection.

How can you resolve Error: [pii_email_37f47c404649338129d6]?

There are a few ways of resolving this error. We will take a look at them, today.

1) Check Your Server Requirements:

You can do this by opening your Microsoft Outlook account, by clicking on applications. Next, you open your working file and click on account settings. Then there will be the option of email in form of the tab and you can open it from account setting windows. This will open a new window, from where you can select your email or account from the list. Open settings again, and open the email settings on your Internet. There will be the option of the outgoing server window, you mark the first option of the outgoing server as it requires STMP authentication. Click ok and save your settings.

2) Check Duplicate Accounts:

The error can arise from having duplicate accounts. For this reason, you need to open your Outlook and click on the Menu option. Check if there are any duplicate accounts on the list and click on the duplicate one and remove it.

3) Check Anti-Virus Software:

Sometimes, the anti-virus you have installed may not be in line with the software preferences. For this reason, you will have to disable the anti-virus. You can do that by clicking on start and going to settings. Update through the security option and select windows security. Choose the anti-virus and threat protection and manage the settings as per the anti-virus software you have.

4) Change Server Port Number:

For this reason, open your Outlook. Click on the file and change the setting of the account by clicking on your email from the account setting. Then choose more settings and click on Internet Email Settings, and choose the advanced tab. Change the SMPT number from 465 to 587. Save your settings and try again.

5) Uninstall and reinstall:

If nothing else works, then go for the age-old trick of uninstalling and reinstalling again. It works! This is because it refreshes the settings and once you do this, there is a good chance that upon reinstalling any previous errors will be fixed, automatically. So, if you are confused and none of the other methods have worked, you can count on this to save the day!

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