
Suppleness & Meditation – Beyond the Mat Benefits

Suppleness is a powerful state that brings pliability and flexibility. It is a strong state to preserve mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Without acknowledging our spiritual and mental health we can stay trapped in resistance rather than attuning to our body’s growth and expansion. Suppleness is the way to the road that leads to following a spiritual path. It is energy in constant motion and flow.

But like any change that we bring to our soul and mind becoming supple also requires focus. There are various ways to acquire this and with regular meditation, you can achieve suppleness of your mind, body, and spirit. Here is how to do that:


Mindfulness with Meditation

Scientists have observed that with regular meditation our brain’s cells shapeshift. The left hippocampus which is responsible for storing the memory and for the generation of new ideas tends to rebuilds with consistent yoga and meditation.

Practicing yoga
Young woman practicing Meditation outdoors

With regular meditation, there is also increased use of brainpower for creative thinking, inquiry, and problem-solving. Intense meditation brings together the two hemispheres of the brain and alters the state of brainwaves into longer pulses. Regular meditation makes one capable to fully utilize their intellectual as well as intuitive aspects.

Power of Meditation

Out of the many benefits of meditation, regular meditators also tend to have less amount of stress hormones in their bloodstreams. Meditating regularly relieves stress from the muscles as well as tissues while cleansing the body of impurities and making the immune system stronger. Mindful meditation also slows down aging and eases-in the high state of vigilance which is induced by stress. Certain meditation techniques can ease the tension in our digestive tract which gives our body access to organically produced chemicals responsible for supple vibes of satisfaction, relief from pain, and also for cheering up the overall mood.

So, if you haven’t exactly found the meditation technique to truly take advantage of the spiritual benefits of meditation then here we have discussed a few tried and trusted hacks that can help you with meditating regularly.

Pliant Mind and Body

Our body, mind, and soul is a mutually dependent self-organizing system which means that all of them have an impact on the other. So if you are feeling tensed or your mind is contracted, a great way to let suppleness ease-in through you is to work with your body.

Pliant Mind and Body
Our body, mind, and soul is a mutually dependent self-organizing system which means that all of them have an impact on the other.

Try to stretch more, stay hydrated, look into meditation yoga, or try massages to ease-in the tightness of the limbs. If you follow a more strenuous exercising routine then dial it down and opt for gentle strolling or swimming. Breathing is crucial when it comes to meditating, so practice your breathing by opening your airways. All of these activities can give your body strength and balance which is the reason why you should meditate.

Supple Transition

Although you cannot get rid of all the negative people and challenges in your life just by becoming supple it does have a huge impact on how you assess them. Adapting suppleness is all about how we look at life and the challenges it throws at us. Our anger, sorrows, self-justifying nature, self-righteousness, and guilt are all anti-supple vibrations which are very reactive. These if held on to can linger in our system as low dense vibrations and if held for a longer period they can also manifest into our body cells. The only way to not allow these negative emotions to incarnate is to just let them pass through us without holding on to them. For instance, if you find yourself in a situation where you are constantly being provoked to trigger inner defensiveness and attack that person then turn in the opposite direction for a minute and instantly express a kind, meaningful act for another person. It is very simple to do so but it’s very clever as it immediately stops the harsh energy making its way through to you and dissipates it. This may need some self-awareness but it truly works. Transitioning to suppleness changes the way we look at things and expands our perception of them. It creates space among us to find clarity. It is a graceful way of converting energy to mental agility.

The End Word

It is the ancient origin of certain words that hold the magic in their meaning. The world supple has numerous origins in Latin and they all provide the knowledge as to how you can become supple but the true meaning of the word is to lay yourself down quietly and comfort your heart and mind.

It is crucial to have certain goals and expectations in life, but that can also at times turn in to a double-edged sword. When it comes to inner practice our drive towards success and the thirst to get results can put us in a non-supple state. One of the yoga meditation benefits includes laying out your expectations and desires regularly. If you are with your friends listening to their stories, the challenges that they are facing or their grievances then your presence at that time is a far greater service than any helpful advice you can give. It can be profoundly healing to stand with a friend in need without the need to offer advice or a solution.

Suppleness & Meditation
Flexible woman performing a variation of sirsasana yoga pose.

Letting go of your expectations for indulging in new experiences and then taking those just the way they are, gives our mind, soul, and body an intense engagement along with a receipt of what these new experiences have in the market for us. And just like that, with every passing day, either in meditation or alongside nature, try to create smaller windows without any aim, desire, or goal in mind. For the majority, this can be a bit difficult to do but with this, you get to be yourself without societal stigmas. Just the thought that you can be YOU is enough at times to understand your feelings, desires and to just be in the moment with yourself. With these small regular windows, you can steep enormously into a supple state as they open to an entirely new level of vibration. You can try these for yourself and you will notice your body, mind, and soul enjoying suppleness.

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