
Top Tools Every Writer Should Be Using


Running a business as a book author can be tough, particularly when owners spend an estimated 17% of their time on administrative tasks. Book authors and entrepreneurs need to have the best tools at their disposal to help them organize their project management, content strategy, and more. Large businesses can farm out these responsibilities to hired experts and consultants, but when you’re working as an entrepreneur and book author, most of this is going to fall on you.

Fortunately, there is some great software out there that streamlines or even automates both your content writing and your business functions. To improve your ROI you can get lifetime subscriptions to these business software programs at a discount through AppSumo.

What is AppSumo?

AppSumo is the marketplace for all the things that entrepreneurs, including authors, need at every stage in their business. Offering the most cutting-edge digital products available today, AppSumo has helped more than 3,000 partners and paid out over $45M in profit to its partners in its 11 years of doing business.

What Tools Should Every Writer Be Using?

AppSumo offers a variety of tools that every writer can benefit from. These tools can help you grow and scale your business, as well as monetize your work and grow in your field.


ProWritingAid’s goal is to make life easier for writers. It is an excellent tool that every writer should have in their toolkit. ProWritingAid helps all kinds of writers improve the quality and efficiency of their writing.

One of ProWritingAid’s most remarkable features is its reports. ProWritingAid produces more writing reports than any other writing tool, highlighting various areas for improvement in your writing. Some reports address quick and easy revisions that can be made, while others go deeper, offering you input on your overall writing style and providing suggestions for improvement.

ProWritingAd’s features go beyond correcting your grammar and actually help you develop stronger writing skills. This tool can also easily be integrated into whatever writing platform you are using, including Microsoft Word and Outlook, Scrivener, Final Draft for screenwriters, Google Docs, and Open Office.

How To Launch A Book Course

So, you’ve finally completed and published your magnum opus. The next step is to start thinking about the book launch, and the How To Launch A Book Course tool can help you navigate that.

This educational tool is vital to the success of your book launch. It helps writers establish their goals for their book as well as the ideal target audience, with the ultimate goal of getting your book in front of as many readers as possible. This tool will help you strategize for the book launch, learn how to get book reviews to help bolster your book’s profile, and effectively market your book to your audience.

Indie Publishing Fundamentals

If you are an author who is looking to get started with independent publishing, establishing a workflow is crucial. With Indie Publishing Fundamentals, you’ll get helpful tips on writing, editing, and publishing your work.

Author Carissa Andrews provides valuable step-by-step tutorials for establishing a writing routine, self-editing, publishing, and marketing your work. There are also three bonus modules that will help you feel more confident in your final product and will help you market to your audience using newsletters. This course provides valuable lessons that will help guide you on your indie publishing journey.


Ryter is an artificial intelligence (AI) technology that writes for you. Content writing can sometimes be a slog. Not only is it tedious, but it can also take up an exorbitant amount of your time and be costly. Rytr is here to remedy that.

Rytr is an AI assistant that creates original, high-caliber content for whatever type of writing you are doing, from ads, emails, social media, blogs, and more. It can take a good writer several hours to churn out one page of content, however, Rytr can generate this content instantly. This tool is a game changer for authors who are looking to save energy, time, and money as they grow their business.

Get The Best Tools for Book Authors

Whether you’re a published author or you’re just getting started, AppSumo has the tools to help streamline your workflow and get paid for your efforts. Their curated tech marketplace has everything a professional author needs to run their own business.

Check out the Tools for Book Authors Collection and take your publishing efforts to the next level.


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