
What lifestyle factors contribute to your longevity

What lifestyle factors contribute to your longevity


Key to a long and healthy life

The average life expectancy around the world has been constantly growing over the last few centuries. This is a compliment to the advancement of science and technology and shows how important it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle which results in humans living longer. Several factors contribute to life expectancy. We will discuss some of these factors and list some lifestyle changes or habits you can adopt to ensure a long and healthy life which is crucial because your loved ones want you to stick around!

First it is important to understand the factors that could affect or hinder life expectancy. We look at those factors.

What affects life expectancy?

1) Demographic Changes

2) Access to Healthcare

3) Socioeconomic Inequality

4) Unhealthy Lifestyle

5) Hygiene

6) Crime Rates

Now we discuss lifestyle factors that contribute to a longer life.

5 ways to live longer:

1) Regular Exercise:

This ranks at number one on our list. This is a habit that people do not take seriously enough, however, it is the most important of all. Regular exercise should be a part of your life and you should not compromise it due to any reason, whatsoever. Any activity which ranges from moderate to vigorous activity should become a crucial part of your everyday life. This should be of duration between half-an-hour to an hour at the minimum. Anything more is up to you, of course.

Two women exercising by jogging in city

Exercise has been linked to a number of things that improve life expectancy, which range from decreasing stress and improving the fitness of your vital organs due to constant activity. Regular activity also slows down the aging process and potentially add years to your life. All of this is on top of the obvious benefits of exercise which can help in maintaining weight. A study by Harvard University showed that not exercising was more dangerous than smoking, cardiovascular diseases, and even diabetes.

2) Healthy Diet:

A healthy diet is very significant. While it is sad that we cannot live long eating the things that taste delicious, it also shows the irony of life. That is why the greens that we usually leave at the end of the meal and the fruits that we let go stale are all responsible for longer life. Eating a single serving of berries every day can add an extra year to your life. There has been a direct link between eating vegetables and fruits and longevity.

Healthy Diet
Healthy nutrition, diet fritters with nettles on a plate.

Whole grains, fish, nuts, and beans are all diets with the longest life expectancy. A healthy heart is key to a healthy life. However, it can be a difficult idea to incorporate healthy things into a lifestyle that has usually consisted of cheeseburgers and Coca-Cola. I refuse to believe that anyone likes eating kale, although, if you want a longer life, this might be a sacrifice you have to make.

3) Regular Sleep Cycle:

Our list only includes the five most important factors. There are multiple others, and these five are the most important. The first three, including a regular sleep cycle are all so important that it is hard to rank which one comes first. It can be tough to find the correlation, but scientists have found out over the years that there is a link, and there is a very important link. Sleep is important, but the most important sleep is the one we get at night.

A healthy and regular sleep cycle that is consistent allows your body to develop a recovering mechanism.

A healthy and regular sleep cycle that is consistent allows your body to develop a recovering mechanism. This allows the cells in our body to repair and renew. It also regulates the metabolism of your body and releases hormones that are essential for the functioning of your body. It is important to note though, that sleeping more than necessary is also dangerous, so it is vital to find the right balance and maintain it consistently.

4) Not Smoking:

This is probably the most obvious factor. Smoking has no benefits, whatsoever. One could argue and come up with a study that disagrees, but all in all, it is a terrible habit that should be avoided at all costs. Smoking is usually taken up due to peer pressure, others take it up because they think it is cool, and some just smoke because they rely on it to release the stress. Either way, it is just not justified. If your friends smoke, there is no reason you should give in to that pressure, it is certainly not cool and there are healthier ways of releasing your stress.

Smoking leads to many health problems, it has been linked directly to many fatal diseases like cancer, lung and breathing issues, heart-related problems.

It leads to many health problems, it has been linked directly to many fatal diseases like cancer, lung and breathing issues, heart-related problems. Just avoid smoking at all costs, it is simply not worth it!

5) Moderate Alcohol Intake:

While alcohol should be avoided at all costs, we do realize that it is easier said than done. Longevity research found out a moderate amount of alcohol intake can have no detrimental effects on your health. What is a moderate amount of alcohol intake? It should vary from person to person, considering their past habits, but a moderate amount listed in the study was a five-ounce glass of wine for women and up to two for men.

Drinking leads to multiple long-term effects like liver diseases, nerve damage, alcohol poisoning, accidents, high blood pressure, and other heart-related diseases.

It should be on top of our priority to avoid drinking. Drinking leads to multiple long-term effects like liver diseases, nerve damage, alcohol poisoning, accidents, high blood pressure, and other heart-related diseases. Although, it is never too late to start balancing your intake. A moderate intake of alcohol can help you increase your life expectancy and lead a healthier life.

We hope that this helped you understand and learn how to live longer and feel better. Do not forget that you are not only responsible for your own life, but also responsible for your loved ones, so do not be selfish. It is better to understand the importance of longer life and try to do everything to lead a better and healthier life.

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