
A Guide to Easier Facebook Advertising


Engage more audience for your business content by learning the basics of Facebook advertising policies

Social media marketing has paved a new way especially for home-grown businesses in the market. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram have made buying and selling products much easier for consumers due to their lenient and user-friendly ad-options. If you know the rules well enough, you won’t ever need to contact an advertising agency or a marketing company for your business.

Why even learn the basics of Facebook ads?

This is a question you surely would have thought about. People have often labeled Facebook as deadwood in terms of business engagement. It is a common assumption that the giant social media website doesn’t get you the numbers that Instagram has on a regular running.

You should know that anyone who thinks that has either failed to understand the concept of Facebook ad-options or hasn’t followed the right steps.

Facebook has over 2 billion daily users on its platform. As per the statistics, your content might be viewed by millions of users. The time duration for viewing your business ads would be almost an hour that sounds great for any growing online business.

A top reason for going with Facebook Advertising is that Facebook has an exponential growth chart. It keeps on growing which indicates there is a wider opportunity for business. Any small business needs to make sure that they know how to properly manage Facebook audiences. In this way, you will also learn to manage Facebook ads that will surely help in multiplying your revenue by a large factor.

Working with the Facebook Ad Manager

An important step is acing your advertising campaign is to lean managing the Facebook ad manager. Once you understand a few technicalities, you are good to go.

Here’s how the ad manager is divided:

  • Account Overview

  • Ad campaigns

  • Ad Set View

  • Ads

The categories mentioned above are further divided into tools and important information that you can use to define your business ad campaign. A few of these include planning, reports, audience settings, and many more.

You must get a good hold of the Facebook ad manager. It is a basic requirement for any individual looking to make their ad campaign successful.

Setting up your first ever Facebook ad campaign

Here’s what you should do to plan and execute a flawless advertisement campaign for your business:

  • Step #1- Defining a budget

Before making up a daily budget, here’s what you need to ask yourself:

  • What is the value of your product?
  • How many products can you sell?
  • What is the intended conversion rate?

Once you define all questions in the right order, you will come to a definite solution. The most crucial part of your campaign budget is the conversion rate. Luckily, Facebook facilitates any businesses’ ad campaign by providing the right tools.

For instance, the platform offers link clicks as the ideal optimization tool, which is the most productive way to generate revenue and audience.

  • Step #2- Make a brand page

The next step is making a suitable page for your brand name. This is where your imagination is an important tool. Make sure you fill in all the information columns and select the right categories to define your business stance.

A good way to gain an audience is to add communication options such as ‘Contact Us’ or ‘Call Now’. Add up a few cool buttons that might directly link to your product website and build up interest and productivity.

  • Step #3- Making an ad campaign

One of the most important routines of Facebook Advertising is the creation of your very first ad campaign. This is where Facebook Ad manager plays an important role.

When you enter the ad manager, you are automatically directed to a tab where there are different objectives for you to choose from. Some of these include promoting your page, increasing conversion for your brand, and increasing engagement for your page.

However, it is recommended you go for the option that says, send people to your website. This is where the landing page URL comes in for the audience to know what exactly are you offering them.

  • Step #4- Creating an ad set and designing ads

After designing your ad campaign, the next thing to do is making a suitable ad set. This is where you keep a check on your target audience.

You have to decide how many people you are willing to bet on. Next comes the small details that include gender, preferences, behavior, and so on

The other part of the step is the creation of the first ad for your campaign. Your imagination and input are highly required to make sure that your ad stands out. Make sure you keep it simple, do not add up too much text or images, and keep your audience’s mood patterns in your mind. Every fine detail matters such as font size, heading structures, and even the font type when it comes to increasing your content’s engagement.

  • Step #6- More ads, testing, and alterations 

After you are done with releasing your first ad, it is time to create a couple of additional sample ads. You can try mixing it up with different designs, text sequences, and other tools to give the ad a different look.

After this, you have to sit tight and wait for the results. The time taken for the actual response to come out ranges from 4 to 5 days. After evaluating the results, you can make use of the numerous Facebook ad options to further customize and correct your mistakes. Slowly and gradually, you will learn to gain more audience and become an expert in managing any online ad campaign.

  • Step #7- Consider increasing your budget

This is certainly an option that you can consider if you are confident about your ad campaigns. You could think up about lifting your expenditure if your ads are directly giving you hefty sales. Starting slow is the main key here. Begin with paying more for pay per click features and then start working on increasing your bids.

  • Step #8- A campaign for all audiences

People usually go for customized campaigns where they target only specific types of individuals. This may work in the case of a specific product but it won’t be much of use for a line of products. If you manage to do this well, Facebook itself will reward you with a high relevance score. The score will get you discounted rates and cheap advertisement policies

The Bottom Line

If you manage to understand the above-mentioned guidelines, you can surely start your Facebook Advertising campaign instantly. The process is not that hard and is quite effective in the end. Make sure you know all the do’s and do not’s so that you can ultimately achieve your advertising goals for your business.

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