
The Ten Best Thesaurus Sites You Can Find Online


Let us dive into the search for synonyms and similar words on the World Wide Web.

What are synonyms? Many a times we find ourselves completely stuck while writing something and it feels like we have run out of words. We know the word we are looking for is floating around in our brains somewhere but we cannot put our finger on it. Then sometimes it feels like we are repeating ourselves in only a few sentences and we do what everyone else in our position does. We log on to the internet as very few people now seem to own an actual paper thesaurus. Below are the details for Ten thesaurus Sites.

There is no particular order or rigid ranking when it comes to the different websites answering our search for similar words. Different individuals have differing opinions over the ranking.  Our list does not in any way imply that one site is superior to the other; just that they are all supremely helpful in times of need. Here we discuss where to find the best spots on the internet giving us quality synonyms:


We aren’t playing favourites here but there is no disputing the fact that is one of the best websites out there if you need to find a similar word for something. It is very easy to use and typing in your required word will yield a huge array of synonyms. It is safe to say the number of results far outpace the results wielded by any other sites. It also provides a convenient sidebar offering filters and other options aside from the results already displayed on your screen.


2. is not far behind when it comes to results. It is very user friendly and very easy to navigate. It has a new “Word of the day” for every day with its meaning and synonyms listed down which we are sure, is a huge boost to anyone looking to better their vocabulary. They also offer a fun synonym game which makes your search for a word so much livelier unless you tend to get distracted easily.


3. is equipped with a pretty savvy interface presenting the users with different features aside from the usual search bar. Anyone who is confused and wants to find a word will get plenty of help here and all the synonyms in the results are hyperlinked. There is an audio pronunciation for the hearing disabled which sets it aside from other such websites. Other features include a dropdown which is essentially a translation tool; a Q&A box if you have a question about the word; an image helping depict the synonyms; a citation aid; and a comment box. There is also a fun feature that shows song lyrics that include the search word you have typed. You can think of it as a very fun Thesaurus.

Synonyms – You can think of it as a very fun Thesaurus.

4.    Synonym Finder

Again, we present to you a very easy to use website. The way the whole page is presented is simple and straightforward using hyperlinked words with meanings and usage. There is also a visual tool as we scroll downwards and stats for anyone interested in finding them out.

Synonym Finder

5.    Thsrs

Thsrs is a very cute word play on the usual Thsrs. Like all the other thesaurus websites, Thsrs also is s search engine for synonyms and similar words but with a little quirk. All the search result words are shorter than the word you have searched for. In today’s age, this site has also become a necessity for Twitter users who look for ways to fit in their thoughts in a 140 character limit. The website also offers plug-in for browsers so it will always be on hand.


6.    Big Huge Thesaurus

The description on the website says it is “The developer-friendly API for getting synonyms and antonyms for your apps and websites”, which is an explanation in itself. It is one of the databases regularly pinged by Thsrs and its hyperlinked word index covers the WordNet database of Princeton University along with Carnegie Mellon Pronouncing Dictionary. It is also open to user suggestions with a dropdown menu which you users can employ in their search of different antonyms, rhymes and related words aside from the usual synonyms.

Big Huge Thesaurus

7.    The Free Dictionary

The Free Dictionary website is a very comprehensive word tool that gives the user so much to do with all the features it presents. Its list of features is quite exhausting but the best is the one is the “Start with” and “Ends with” options that is seemed to have been made for especially forgetful minds. It offers up an entire list of words in case you cannot recall the one you were looking for. Then there is the usual help with finding synonyms, antonyms with their respective meanings and examples to demonstrate your usage.

The Free Dictionary

8.    Define It Fast

Define It Fast aims to be the quickest and most efficient word tool on the World Wide Web. It is also one of those sites utilizing Princeton University’s WordNet database. It yields especially fast results of synonyms and related words which are all hyperlinked. They are all supported by their meanings and the proper demonstration of use.

Define It Fast

9.    Snappy Words

Snappy Words may sound like the usual games that we download on our phones but it most assuredly is not. Looking for a word on this tool will put you in a world of colour coded graphs showing relations. This makes the connection quite easy to decipher and also fun! Not a bad way to help your kids learn, is it not? A mouseover over the words will display their respective meanings.

Snappy Words

10. What’s Another Word For..?

The tool in question is not much of a website, but an iGoogle gadget which personalized Google page users can utilize. The search bar gives access to more than 100,000 words. The word you are looking for is sure to turn up.

We have listed down the best spots online to find similar words and we are sure you are going to find the elusive synonym you have been in search of. These will add a lot more flavor to your writing and surely expand your vocabulary. Happy Searching!

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